Interactive Kiosk Design: Start Planning Your Future
As part of completing the milestone industry project for my graduate degree, I worked with a client from a leading financial organization to create an interactive tool to assist customers with planning their financial futures.
The goal of this project was to conduct competitor research, gather customer insight, and use the findings to design prototypes for a select number of self-directed digital journeys for customers.
I assumed the role of a team lead, being in charge of administrative duties as well as being the primary point of contact with the client, which included email communication and organizing and facilitating all meetings.
I also acted as the research lead, which included helping establish a direction for the research, leading the creation of our research protocols, and summarizing and distilling the research insights into actionable goals.
Confidential - Under NDA
Project Date
May - July 2016
Our solution was to be designed specifically for a kiosk and needed to walk users through a scenario, providing them with personalized actionable insights.
We were asked to take the following requirements into consideration:
- The interface needs to be eye-catching and easy to navigate
- A few simple questions should provide customers with actionable insights and help spark a conversation about their financial future
- The experience needs to be mindful of the user’s privacy in a public space
- The scenarios may be gamified to ensure maximum user engagement
During the research phase, our goal was to gain a deeper understanding of our client’s customers and competitors. We assessed 12 competitors to see how our client’s digital tools compare to competitor offerings in terms of aspects such as UX design best practices, content and delivery, and functionality.
We also interviewed 21 potential customers and 3 financial advisors to gain a deeper understanding of our target users’ needs. We used the research findings to help determine the scenarios that were to be created, and develop design guidelines.
The data gathered from the competitor tools, potential users, and financial advisor interviews helped us determine trends in user goals based on age/life stages. We also identified newcomers to Canada as a distinct category of customers who have unique needs.
While determining possible scenarios and choosing the ones to pursue, we considered the insight that the target demographic for our tools are likely 25-50-year-olds.
Based on the insights and trends that we observed, we proposed the following list of scenarios to our client, of which two were selected for development.
- *Buying a home (personal or investment)
- *Starting a small business
- Everyday savings (cash flow)
- Starting a family
- Saving for education (for students and parents)
- Planning for retirement
- Credit score projection
Our team followed an iterative design process, regularly consulting with our client, vetting our designs and assumptions with potential users, and taking our designs back to the drawing board.
Once the two scenarios were identified, we created a couple of user personas for each scenario. The personas were synthesized from our user and financial advisor research findings and served as a helpful tool that enabled us to empathize with our target customers.
Our experience map served as a helpful step to beginning to conceptualize the scenarios that we were about to design. By assessing what the user is doing, thinking, and feeling as he or she interacts with the kiosk, we were able to identify possible challenges and opportunities that we needed to consider in our design.
Buying a Home Scenario
Starting a Business Scenario